borehole water south africa - aquabore

“Going Off The Grid” in Africa with Aquabore

When we think about “going off the grid” in Africa, our first thought is being completely isolated. No internet, no human contact, and no use of water, lights or electricity. But, this is not necessarily true. With the world evolving and putting more focus into going green, “going off the grid” actually means something different.

It’s about reducing how much energy we rely on that doesn’t come from the earth’s natural resources. The focus is more about finding simple ways to do this, and limit how much we need from local municipalities. Besides it being incredibly costly and often not be reliable, their focus is not on reducing their emissions. But if everyone made use of natural ways to get these resources, this would make a huge impact on the world and global warming. And it would help to preserve this energy for future generations to come.


Drilling a borehole is a great step to reduce the amount of resources that you require from your local municipality in Africa. Instead of watering your garden with water that you would either be paying for or that has been purified for consumption, using water from the ground and even rain water is incredibly helpful. The process to purify water is an extensive one, and all that energy could be saved for more important uses. This will not only reduce your water bill, but it will also make a huge difference in preserving water for future uses.


Energy powered by the sun is inexpensive, and reduces how much electricity you need from local municipalities. Unfortunately, their focus is not always on saving energy. Plus, you’ve probably had hefty electricity bills at some point over the years. We have become so reliant on municipal electricity that when load shedding strikes, we’re left in the dark – literally! But that doesn’t have to be the case. Moving over to solar electricity means you can continue to do the things that you love when the rest of South Africa is in darkness. All while knowing that you are making a difference too.

“Going off the grid” in Africa doesn’t have to be a big adjustment that detaches you from the world. It should be a sustainable way to help you continue to live the life that you want, while making the world a better and greener place. It’s time to focus on naturally-sourced water and energy. If you would like to find out how Hi Temp or Aquabore can help you make these changes, contact us today.

  • Allister Clark (Sales) +27 82 335-9741
  • Claire Badenhorst (Sales) +27 79 922-5262
  • Fozia Vardiah (Admin & Operations Manager) +27 83 658-7812
  • Meloshinee Moodley (Office Assistant) +27 72 499-5908
  • Reena Naidoo (Sales Consultant) +27 79 922-5262