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boreholes south africa

Aquabore: Maintaining Boreholes in South Africa

Boreholes are fast becoming a popular must-have in South Africa, especially with all the latest droughts and service delivery issues that we experience. And it’s easy to see why. Along with the many benefits that a borehole brings, the biggest one is how long it can actually last. With very little maintenance too. This doesn’t mean never looking after your borehole, but when done correctly, it will save you tons in time and money.

Now that you have joined the many out there and have a borehole in your backyard, what do you need to do to take care of it? Well, we’re here to share some helpful tips to look after boreholes here in South Africa.


The top of the borehole should be covered properly to make sure that no pesticides or other pollutants can enter it. Should the water in the borehole become polluted, the process to clean it can be quite costly and time-consuming. Pollutants to avoid include diesel, petrol and engine oil, as well as fertilisers.


To reduce evaporation which can occur, it is suggested to irrigate the borehole in the later part of the afternoon. Although you now have access to “free” water, use it sparingly. Wasteful use may dry out the borehole and will make the use obsolete. Water only when necessary.

We at Aquabore can help with quality machinery and accessories to drill boreholes here in South Africa. For more information, contact us today. Click here for a full list of benefits to owning a borehole. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.